Property Development System Not Just A Property Development Course
The only, "process-driven" step-by-step system that enables you to know your numbers... So you can flip, develop or control...
Any property for profit...
Without prior experience
Proven A-Z System For Developing Property / Real Estate That Not Only Tells You "WHAT TO DO", But Exactly "HOW TO" Do It...
Whether you’re looking for a way to replace your income and become a professional property developer… or you simply want to subdivide your backyard or complete a few small projects, property development system is the best property development course you will find anywhere. Here I share the lessons from my journey as a property developer and turn them into actionable steps.
Property Development System Is Like Having A Veteran Property Developer By Your Side, Guiding You Every Step Of The Way... The Only Property Developer Course You Will Ever Need
Amber Khanna

john nguyen
property developer
"In less than 11 months of signing up for Amber's Property Development Course, I have secured two development sites. These two projects will yield me a combined profit of $2.2 million".

Priyank Thakkar
property developer
"I did Amber Khanna's Property Development Course 3 years ago. I must say that it was one of my best & wise investments. As we speak, I am currently in projects worth $10m".
Who is this Property Development Course for?
Who are concerned that traditional buy-and-hold investing may be too slow and not get you to your financial goals fast enough – especially in uncertain property conditions?
Who are tired of unexpected problems and disappointed by the profits compared to all the work and hassles. Unlike property development, where you can get more data to base your decisions on facts, renovations have no way to estimate the correct uplift. In other words, there is no way to find out that if you spend $x on renovations, you will get $y profit.
Property Developers
Who struggle to find development sites, and when you do, you worry you may lose more than you make because you don’t have a comprehensive system to follow?
Real estate agents & builders
Realtors who are tired of helping developers make the ‘big’ bucks while you get mere crumbs in lowly commissions. And builders who are tired of building for developers and making them profits while they squeeze you on the fixed price building contract and tie you up in legal paper work.
Home owners
Who want to sub-divide your large block in order to downsize, pay down debt, and sure-up your financial position.
Singles & young couples
Who want more than 40 years of 9-5 and are looking for a way to make more money and live a life of freedom... And anybody looking for a faster way to grow your property portfolio in a predictable manner.
Property Development Course
Real Estate development Course
Imagine if you could build a portfolio of properties and know for certain you are set for retirement – able to stop work whenever you feel like it – and wake up every day with the time and money to do whatever you want.
“His Step By Step Process Gives You Assurance To Move Forward With Confidence”

Students Of My Property Development Course Have Achieved This And More... And Today Is Your Chance To Join Them...
Property Development System Imparts real skills
Property Development System is an all-inclusive property development course structured into a predictable system that mimics a real life development project.
The course unfolds exactly the same way a real life development project would. Starting from finding your site all the way to your investment strategy.
It’s truly the quickest & easiest way for developing property successfully and becoming a property developer.
And it includes everything you need to create the life you’ve always wanted as a property developer including…

Find 'juicy deals fast'...
The best ways to find ‘juicy’ deals fast (without staring at your computer screen for hours every night feeling ‘brain dead’ and exhausted)
Get All The Money You Need...
How to get all the money you need from banks or investors (even if you’re starting from scratch and have no money – or equity – of your own)
Manage Projects Like A Breeze...
The little-known resources and ‘hacks’ that make managing each project a breeze (with these secret time-savers you can complete your first project while still working full time, multiply your earnings, and grow your asset base for the future)
Listen To Signals...
The ‘silent signals’ that tell you an area is about to boom (listen carefully and you’ll make money before your development even begins)
The Truth About Property Clocks...
The truth about the ‘property clock’ and ‘market cycles’ (and the 8 simple components of property economics that make it easy to find development deals whenever you like)
Legal Mistakes Even Pro's Make...
Legal mistakes even pros make (and how to make sure you protect yourself and your family from expensive – and unnecessary – loss)
Profit From Any Property...
Know your numbers... So you can flip, develop or control...
Any property for profit... Without prior experience with out state of the art feasibility suite (optional upgrade).
Add Value Out Of Thin Air...
How to literally create money out of thin air (stop trading hours for dollars – use this secret to put more in your pocket in one day than you currently earn in a month)
Dealing With Local Authorities...
Dealing with local authorities, councils and getting approvals is a minefield, right? It can be. But when you follow my system you’ll set yourself up for ‘smooth sailing’ (get this wrong and your entire project – and money – could be tied up for years)
Get Top Quality Work Without Getting Ripped Off...
The secret to dealing with builders and tradies (and how to get top quality work without being ripped off) & property development system’s proprietary 3 step process to minimise, manage and contain risk from start to finish
Make Every Project Profitable...
Why many developers make no real money (or lose their shirts) and the steps you can take to ensure every project puts money in your pocket & make sure your project will sell before you commit a cent (and how to get top dollar fast)
And Heaps More...
And heaps more to help you become a ‘professional developer’ so you can wake up each morning with the money and time to do whatever you want
I Know That Sounds Like A Lot Of Information.
But I Break Everything Down Into Straight
To-The-Point Lessons Based On Real Case Studies
It doesn’t require any ‘genius’ or ‘luck’ to make money as a developer. Simply follow the same system that I used to go from $0 to $1.03m cash + equity
within 5 years.
The good news for you is this...
Not only does Property Development System give you a system to the way I approached & executed my projects…
It also shows you how to mitigate, minimize, contain
or transfer risk at every step…
This is a system that literally allows people like us to experience, what it feels to go…


New & Unique Members' Area for extra support
- I cannot put a value on it; all I can say is that I would pay $10,000 / annum for this NEW member's area alone.
- Because it takes away your stress and anxiety, so you can focus on finding and executing profitable deals.
- And it expedites your journey from not knowing anything to knowing everything as your project unfolds.
- including periodic concept updates
- interactive training modules so you can clarify doubts and ask questions right below each video.
- support & discussion forum so you can post queries specific to your situation and scenarios and get feedback from Amber & other students.
- search capabilities so you can find what you need, when you need it.
You will have everything you need to become a property developer including...
Here Are Some Of The Profit Pulling Systems You'll Discover
Property Development System includes:
- 25 comprehensive modules,
- 170+ straight-to-the-point videos,
- downloadable mind-maps & ebooks,
- power-point presentations,
- practical exercises
- Feasibility concepts & training worth $997 on it's own
Pre-Selection – How To Find Your First Development Project
It’s good to get excited about developing your first property. But where do you start? How do you find a property, analyse the area, understand the stats, start the due diligence, and know for sure it’s worth developing? This lesson walks you through the entire property development process – step 1, step 2, step 3... Just follow along, and you’ll have your first development up and running in no time.

Mastering Due Diligence
Think you’ve found some land or a potential development site? Now, how do you maximise its value (and your profit)? What risks are involved? And how do you gather all the information you need before you sign a contract? Make a mistake with due diligence and you could pay (big time) later in the project. But when you get this right, you set yourself up for ‘smooth sailing’ and a predictable outcome. Again, just follow the steps. It’s all laid out for you.

Master Of Financial Feasibility
Developing property is fun. But at the end of the day, we do it for the money. This lesson will help you understand and analyze all the numbers. Includes in-depth practical & empirical training on important decision metrics, their application and meaning for investors & developers. Get an edge when dealing with lenders & understanding return metrics to minimize risks & maximize returns.

Development Finance
This lesson covers two of the most misunderstood components of property development: development finance and valuations. Deals ‘fall over’ way too often due to mistakes with finance. This lesson guides you through the entire ‘minefield’ from knowing what types of loans you should look for, how to get a favourable valuation, and a detailed finance checklist that has saved my ‘bacon’ more than once. In addition to all of the above, i walk you through all the steps involved from start to finish on various strategies that you can use to raise finance for your project.

Site Acquisition Strategies
Here’s where things start to get interesting. You really need to have your wits about you. And a proven system to follow. Discover how to finalize your financial structures for asset protection and tax purposes. And learn critical negotiation skills to ensure you get the deal you need. From site acquisition to structuring i cover everything that’s involved in purchasing the development site.

Obtaining Permits (Development Approval)
I know, compliance is boring. But it’s an essential part of developing. This lesson shows you how to simplify the process, fast-track council approvals and line up all your ducks in order to get your permits in time, so your project is not held up. This section is seldom taught elsewhere and is extremely important.

Marketing & Pre-Sales
If you build it, they will come. But why wait. How would you like to mitigate risks before you turn any dirt and commit to a construction loan? Pre-sales is your answer. This lesson shows you how to get top dollar before you’ve spent a cent on construction. Includes critical tips on pricing, promotion, agent selection, branding, structuring appealing offers and much more.

Okay, now it’s time to call ‘bob, the builder’. But before you do, this lesson will show you what type of contracts you should look for, how to handle the tender process and prepare construction documents, what to do about defects and liabilities to ensure you don’t get shafted, and what insurance(s) you absolutely must have in place. Grizzly old pros regularly lose their shirt because they make construction mistakes. But you won’t when you follow the process explained in this lesson.

Obtaining Titles
Another ‘boring’ section about paperwork. But at the end of the day, these pieces of paper could be worth millions. So, this lesson is critical. Study carefully and you’ll celebrate when settlement comes.

worth $23,979 Included FREE
Neither Taught Nor Included With Any Other Property Development Course
Ready, Set, Introspection
Mindset Training ($2497 - Included Free)

Do you have what it takes to become a property developer? Most of us are weighed down with a ton of baggage we carry around that holds us back. As a certified trainer in life coaching, I share the 17 laws of success I applied to be successful in property development. These laws, once internalised, will set you on the right road to success whether you become a developer or not. I truly believe these will change your life as they have changed mine and have got me where I am today. I not only preach them, I live them every day.
Lifetime Access/Annual Subscription To Property Development Course
(Invaluable - Included Free)

You’ll get lifetime access to the complete property development system – 170+ straight-to-the-point videos -- catalogued according to the topic. So, no matter where you are in your property development journey, you can quickly watch the relevant videos to prepare for the next steps about to unfold in your project.
Bonus#3 Community Support Via Edge
($10,000 - Included Free)

I know things can move quickly during a deal, and from time to time you may need extra support in real-time. I’m committed to being there for you. Simply start a new discussion in the relevant section, and I will get back to you with an answer. I’m not kidding. I will respond personally with specific guidance.
Negotiate For Advantage
($2497 - Included Free)

This is the negotiation framework I use in every deal I make to get the very best quality at the very best price from my suppliers & land vendors. It’s my ‘secret sauce’ for generating more profit and is constructed from a mix of negotiating strategies, psychology, and other tactics. You’ll have lifetime access to this powerful, step-by-step negotiation process that turns even the most timid communicator into a confident master negotiator.
Moreover, this negotiation system is structured with
real life objections and how to answer them so that when you hear a question or response, you will know exactly how to respond so the negotiation moves forward to your advantage. When negotiating, you would want to make sure that you are not leaving any dollars on the table.
Property Development System is this
one negotiation technique...
Your Complete Investment will pay itself off
a minimum of 4x times
Don't believe me?
See the letter below from the sellers lawyer who responded to my negotiations by dropping approx.
$20,000 off the sale price after a price was already agreed and contract was already signed.

Private Library Of Property Development Resources
($1997 - Included Free)

A tradesman is only as good as his tools. So, I want to give you access to a complete kit of information, alerts, listings, data collection, calculators, economic analysis, forums and much more to equip you for fast success as a developer. These are the tools I use every day. I want you to have them at your fingertips too.
Coaching Calls Library
($997 - Included Free)

These are a collection of 1 hour live coaching calls where I have discussed real life examples, solved student queries and recorded Q&A's. you get lifetime access to these detailed coaching calls included absolutely free with this course.
Bonus#7 Your Investment Strategy ($997 - Included Free)

It’s easy to ‘get busy’ with the nitty-gritty. But this lesson urges you to stop and look at the bigger picture. It will lead you through important questions like…
- What precise outcome are you looking for from each development?
- And how will this lead you to your ultimate goal (of replacing your income, preparing for retirement, and making as much money as you want)?
- This lesson helps you choose the right development strategy that leads you to the life you’ve always wanted.
Becoming A Deal Maker
No Money Down Formula ($2997 - Included Free)

Interested in property development with no money? Then this is perhaps the most valuable bonus of them all. It takes you deep into the detail and includes all the ingredients you need to become a ‘no-money-down’ deal maker. Discover the best ways to structure a project. And learn how to find and manage equity partners. All the ‘gurus’ talk about ‘no-money-down deals’. But hardly any of them have ever pulled one off themselves. With this lesson, you’ll have the skills to put together some truly amazing (and profitable) deals.
Project Report
($1997 - Included Free)

Think you’d like to do a ‘no-money-down’ deal? It doesn’t come together by itself. You have to orchestrate every step. And the bedrock is your project report. Miss a component and you could lose the trust of your investors, financier or legal parties. And the whole project could be over before it begins. Follow this proven template I’ll teach you in this lesson and you’ll be the ‘go-to-person’ with people lining up at your door to partner with you.
Bonus#10 Unlimited Networking With Other Developers
(Invaluable - Included Free)
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “It’s not what you know but who you know”. Well, the truth is, it’s both. That’s what makes the networking opportunities during this course and via our closed group so valuable. You’ll make life-long contacts with people who can help you throughout your career as a developer – contacts that could take you years to meet elsewhere.
Property Development System Certificate Of Completion
(Invaluable – Included Free)
This is not just another course (and I should know – I’ve done my fair share of property courses). It’s a milestone moment in your life as a property developer.
It’s the time you will look back on when everything changed. The beginning of your journey towards replacing your income, taking back control of your time (and life), increasing your income, improving your lifestyle, bringing retirement forward, paying off your mortgage, and growing your retirement savings (quickly) so you can enjoy a life of choices without having to worry about money.
And we think you deserve recognition for this. So, while your certificate of completion is, in some ways, merely a piece of paper. You and I know it means so much more.
Qualification For One-On-One & "GameOn" Group Mentoring
(Invaluable – Included Free)
As an active developer with numerous developments in motion right now, I don’t have much time to take on personal mentoring students.
But I also recognise the benefit of a one-on-one mentoring as well as group property development mentoring i.e. our GameOn program. So, to ensure my private students get the very best results, they must first complete this property development course.
Why? Because:
There are so many industry-specific concepts, processes and procedures that for you and me to be on the same page, it is important that you understand them first. Someone who hasn’t put any effort into learning and understanding the concepts will lack the necessary skills to vet a potential project & its complexities.
I have to protect my track record and I need to make sure that the students who do sign up for one-on-one mentoring are 100% successful. They must have the character & the competence to be successful. This property development course ensures that you acquire the skills & competence. Hence, there can be no exceptions to this.
Here's What People Are Saying About Property Development System - Property Development Course & Our feasibility suite
These reviews were provided...
After our students and clients had gone through the course(s) & our software applications, i.e. our students applied & used their newly acquired skills on real projects and got the results.
And not when...
...their emotions ran high while going through a 3-day seminar. We did not pull them to the side to say something good about our courses.
Thank you Amber, I cannot wait to dig into it!
I have to say the one thing that I appreciate the most which I don't see very often is how accessible you are and your prompt responses and care and support. This is the most important thing for me and hence why I decided to proceed.
G.Iliev (PMP)
Project Management Professional | Architect
One and a half years later...

We aren't done yet, here are some more and there are even more on our reviews page.
Property Developer
Property Developer
Property Developer/Builder
Amber's ability to find projects, do financial feasibilities, his ability to investigate the utmost details and his analytical abilities is unparalleled.
Property Investor
Coming from a non-property background, I have found the approach Amber uses and goes through in the course, very meticulous. It has helped me to develop confidence in decision making and finding the right investment property. I would recommend this course to anyone who wants to either find an investment property or anyone who is looking for the right site for their next property development project.
Property Development System gave me a complete property development understanding from project inception to closeout. The property development courses offered by PDS are thorough and easy to understand. I my opinion Lead Developer Feasibility sheet alone is worth $5000 is not more.
Property Developer

Thanks for answering my questions so quickly and directly. I almost can't believe how much I've learned from your property development courses. It's been just 2 months since starting your program, I feel like I can speak on the same level as other people who have already done projects of their own. They may know more about certain aspects of project development, but the insights that you have given me, honestly, I feel I am already head and shoulders above others out there. I have big visions and know that they will materialise.
Property Investor/Developer

Hi Amber, Really appreciate these emails - keeps me on track and this is so different from any other property mentoring programs I've been involved in. You are following us up - checking in with us to see how we are going. Keep them coming! Cheers Ruth
Property Investor/Developer

I have done Amber Khanna's Property Development Course 3 years back. I must say that it was one of my best and wise investment. As we speak I am doing projects worth $10m+ in end value.
There are many fantastic tips and strategies that he taught me in the course and it is outstanding. Take it from the guy who has spent so far $100K+ in just learning, understanding, researching property development and done few of these courses and found Property Development System standing out from each one of those. It is very well structured and has Amber's constant support. I will be more than happy to discuss in person if anyone wants to know about my journey, as I am better in person, face to face!
Property Investor/Developer
I would recommend Amber’s Property Development System Courses for a number of important reasons.
Firstly, sheer level of depth.
When one first steps into property development, it doesn’t take very long to realize that all deals are different and there is a constellation of issues to consider with each one. And insufficient consideration of even one of those many issues could cause you to lose a lot of money and have sleepless nights.
Amber’s property development courses give aspiring property developers assurance and helps protect them from losses. He covers the entire process from mindset to realizing your profits. As at the date of my review, there are almost 100 hours of video which will have to be watched multiple times to ensure retention and proper understanding.
There are a lot of other courses out there - some of which I have sampled. However, Amber’s courses are detailed to the point where one of his courses is the equivalent of getting three courses elsewhere with interest. He does not hold back.
Importantly, he uses materials from actual deals that he has done in the past to provide real life context to the theory. Some of his videos are also well-structured walkthroughs of the techniques that he uses to analyze and manage his deals.
Obviously, to excel as a developer you need to have actual experience and no course will cover absolutely everything. However, Amber’s courses is about as much hand holding as one can get from any course on property development.
Secondly, structure.
Given the amount of things you have to learn and understand, it would be overwhelming without some kind of coherent framework. Another thing that Amber has done very well is to break it up into bite sized categories following a logical progression. This makes wrapping your head around it so much easier.
This structure is also incredibly important because, as a developer, you will inevitably need to organize the way you do things to make the best use of your time and to mitigate risk and aggravation. Therefore, by applying yourself to Amber’s courses, you get a solid foundation of how to run a property development business in smooth and efficient manner.
I also add that his course on no money down deals was one of my favorite sections as it showed me that you don’t need to start of with tons of cash to develop your business.
Please bear in mind that the courses are not a get rich quick scheme where he tries to up-sell or cross-sell. Having gone through them myself, there is no mention whatsoever of other products or services. He makes it very clear at the outset that development is a risky proposition that requires a lot of education and training to master.
The bottom line is that the value you get from Amber’s property development courses vastly exceeds the cost. As a property developer it would be the first good deal that you enter into.
Property Investor/Developer

Hello Amber,
I am sorry I took so long in replying to my comment on the property developer's blueprint.
I found it so informative and so much more than I could have imaged, I will be reading it at least once a week to take it all in.
It has given me a hole new out look when looking for a property. How to do - Why - and in what order.
To have this Blue Print after all the education before did not tell me how to go about it I was running blind.
Thank you so much.
General Contractor / Builder
I am looking to start as a developer. I am currently a general contractor/builder in a rural area in Mississippi in the United States.
I was an engineer for years before I did that full time. I have managed large projects in industrial settings and am a Six Sigma Black Belt.
Your checklists, software, and way you describe your process is more appealing than any of the other training and software that I have found online.
I think and do things in a very process oriented way because of my background, and it seems that you do also from what I can tell.
I am looking to leverage my background and unique experience to jumpstart my developer career.
Property Investor
I had never done property development before. After doing Amber's course I can tell you that the content is very very comprehensive. Amber takes you step by step from exactly how to find a target area, how to do a financial feasibility..... within two months of finishing the course I have signed my up my first deal.
Property Investor / Developer
Amber, I am looking through your property development course material and after originally being skeptical of what you promised (as I have been to and paid for other property investment material), I am suitably impressed. Keep up the good work.
Property Investor / Developer
I have now complete 90% of the course, I have to say, after spending 40k attending different seminars and purchasing books, this course by far is most comprehensive and practical property development course I have ever encountered, thank you , money well spent for me this time.
Property Investor / Developer

All the seminars, books I have been reading to become a property developer fade in comparison. Thanks for posting these videos mate, much appreciated.
Property Investor / Developer

Hi Amber, I have to say I am impressed with everything you have presented in your property development courses so far. I love your honesty and the depth of knowledge you have shown. I look forward to your guidance and experience as we move into a totally new business for us. Thank you.
Property Investor / Developer

Great Course taught by an actual real estate developer!
Property Investor / Developer

Hi Amber, I had to update you on my progress.
I went back and looked up the date when I first logged onto your property development course and it was 16/10/15. When I signed up, I was determined to give it my all. I was not going to let anything stand in my way to success. Today is the 8th Sept 2016. In less than 11 months, I have secured two development sites. We are a week or two away from receiving DA (development Approval) on our first, and the second I exchanged contracts this morning.
These two projects will yield me a combined profit of $2.2m at over 32% margin. These are honestly conservative numbers, they can only go up! All of this in the Sydney market, where land prices are sky rocketing with no sign of stopping. The development sites are fantastic, and meet all criteria taught in your property development courses and that you insist upon so I have no doubt they will still sell well even if the market softens.
There's still a long way to go, with many more learnings to come. But if I can accomplish this much in less than a year, imagine what I will achieve over the next 5, 10, 20 years.
I'm not an expert on the workings of this universe, but something led me to you and your property development system, and now there is no looking back.
I have to thank you for changing my life forever and hope we cross paths some time again soon.
All the best.
Property Investor / Developer

Hi Amber, I've been following your media channels (on and off) for 1.5 years now, I really like your approach. I felt the trustworthiness from you compared to others. I am not quite ready to be in contact as needing bit more time to put life and families back to stability. However, I just still would like to acknowledge my appreciate to the positive and genuine content you have out there.
Property Investor / Developer

I just wanted to thank you for putting the goal setting module into the course. It has forced my wife and I to really sit down and focus on exactly what it is we want in the next 10 years. We are not rushing this and are following your property development course to the letter.
Although she is struggling a bit to finish her 50 she is working through it and I'm so proud of her for doing it. She is not a lover of this type of work but she knows that we both need to work through it in its entirety if we are to become full-time developers.
I can also sense the sincerity in your voice about how much you want us to succeed.
I know in my heart of hearts that your course is going to be amazing and force us to grow into the people we need to become.
Thank you for creating such a great product and helping us out to have access to it.
Have a wonderful day.
Property Investor / Developer

Great content to help simplify the whole process into bite-size chunks. Respect!

Great work. You deserve far more subscribers for your work. It is without saying that I have highly valued your content. Having previously worked at Hines, this has helped me develop a broader understanding. This refers to all your videos in general!

Here's my promise to you
After spending more than $117,000+ of my own money on property development courses, mentoring & education (including all the major online courses, seminars, private coaching and years of formal education at university), I know the property development system is the most effective property development course available...
Because it contains the exact system that took me from $0 to $1.03 million in equity/cash in under 5 years, including:
- 40+ complete modules with over 260+ straight-to-the-point videos covering the property development course & in-depth feasibility training.
- All property development mind-maps and checklists I use to make sure I cross every ‘t’ and dot every ‘i’ in my own developments

I Mean, Just 2 X Part-Time Projects Could See You Bring In An Extra $160,000 A Year.
Considering you can potentially make $50k-$250k on your first development (and easily complete at least one development a year), the value of this proven system is incalculable. I mean, it could easily be worth millions over your lifetime (I know it has been to me). Yet, I wanted to keep the price within reach of any budding developer. In fact, I wanted to make it a no-brainer decision. That’s why I decided to price this property development course affordable.
Yes, even though I’ve invested far more that $150,000+ in courses (and as much as a$35k for private coaching) – and I don’t regret any of it – I wanted to make property development system course affordable for everyone. Because I know how much this system would have helped me when I was getting started as a property developer. It would have saved me from…
- Years of trial and error
- Tens of thousands in expensive mistakes, and
- Hundreds of thousands in missed opportunities & failed negotiations
- Uncertainty & ambiguity of not knowing exactly how much would this project end of costing me & the fear of paying more for land that what it's worth
- And all the heart ache & stress I went through when I was trying to put together no-money-down-deals, caused by simply not knowing the right structure, the right thing to say and the what not to say & how much to pay based on my own numbers
What Is The Cost Of Making A Mistake To You?
One Little Thing That You Learn In This Property Development System (Could Be The Way You Calculate Your Numbers, Make An Informed Decision, Or You Are Simply Careful Of Making A Dire Mistake) Could Save You Anywhere From $5000 - $1m+ In Costly Mistakes
It Could Save You From Getting Stuck With
Stupid Avoidable And Expensive Land Mines.
Considering The Value, The Price Could Easily Be $10,000, $20,000 Or Even $50,000 (And Worth Every Penny), Specially Because...
Property Development System Not Only Saves You Money, It Catapults You All The Way To The Top Of The Property Development World...
Replicable System Worth To You?
If It Streamlines A System For You To VET Profitable Deals, Without Wasting Your Time?
Just follow the step by step system from finding your first deal to stacking your first deal to executing your first project with clarity, confidence and competence.
If It Saves You Getting Stuck With The Wrong Deal?
In property development, it's the projects that you don't do that will make you money, just as much as the right projects you do under take.
If It Saves You From Paying More For Land?
With the optional feasibility suite you can make sure that you never pay a $1 more for a site, than what it's worth.
If It Saves You A Ton Of Heartache & Stress?
No need to panic and no need to second guess yourself. Property Development System is designed to logically eliminate risks at every step of the way.
If It Gives You The System & The Tools To Cut Short Your Learning Curve, That Otherwise Would Be Filled With Mistakes That Not Only Cost You $$$, But Also Time?
No learning curve, everything has been tried and tested for you to follow step by step.
365 days round the clock support from within Edge
No More One To Many Format Of Learning. Leaders is all about getting you the Support, encouragement and a sounding board so you can thrive in this industry.
Your Three Options
1. You Can Do Nothing
And that’s fine if you are totally satisfied with where you’re at in life. And never want more. But if, deep down, you long for a better life for you and your family – a life with more choices and freedom – you risk feeling the bitter sting of disappointment if you do nothing. And you may look back on today as another lost opportunity
2. Try & Do It On Your Own
When you’re developing property, you’re playing with ‘live bullets’ (real money). And one decision can mean the difference between a 6-figure windfall and a 6-figure loss. With so much to learn, and so much at stake, learning from your own experience is just too risky and too expensive
3. Spend A Fortune On Books, Seminars &
University Degrees
But even then, this won’t give you half of what property development system (property development course) hands you on a platter. Because all the other programs (that I know about) focus more on what you should do but don’t give you enough guidance on how to do it. Nothing gives you a complete, proven system to follow.
Why Do You Want To Learn Property Development Anyway?
Or Is It Because You’re Simply Looking For A Faster, Predictable Way To Grow Your Property Portfolio, So You Can Boost Your Savings And Retire Sooner And Financially Free?
- Write it down
- read it everyday
- Picture it in your mind
- And use to to drive you towards achieving your dreams
- A definite purpose (your reason for becoming a property developer)
- A plan to achieve your purpose (a step-by-step system)
- Consistent action as nothing happens with action
Whatever your choice, I respect your decision. But I do hope you’ll join me on this amazing journey as a property developer. I can’t believe how much I’ve achieved financially ever since I started on this path. But more importantly, the person I’ve become, and the freedom my family now has. I look forward to helping you find your purpose, create your plan, and take your steps on the path to making money as a property developer, so you can boost your savings, and retire sooner and financially free.
Does Property Development System Work In My Country?
Property Development System has been designed to work anywhere in the world.
It has been successfully tested in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, UK, South Africa & most Asian countries. In fact, Lead Developer: the real estate development feasibility suite has been designed to be used internationally with fully customisable cost heads, currency and tax rates.
In the past architects, economists, quantity surveyors & accountants have invested in Property Development System to be able to help out their clients better when it comes to property development.
The property development course showcases examples & sources of information from Australian websites, which are only used to show the type of information you need to gather.
It also showcases examples of small and medium size apartments, townhouses or townhome developments. Similar sources of information are available in all countries and can be found by a simple google search.
The principles behind becoming a successful property developer are exactly the same around the world, irrespective of where you are or what type of property development (or investment) you plan to focus on.
What changes from place to place are only local processes to deal with local authorities. These local processes can change from state to state.
What is Property Development System?
Property development system is a complete process driven property development course that doesn’t merely explain what to do to become a successful property developer but also explains exactly how to become a property developer and developer your first property development project. The property development course mimics an actual real life property development project and unfolds exactly the way a property development project would unfold in real life.
Who is behind property development system course and what experience do you have?
Amber Khanna, a full time property developer is the founder and chief educator at PDS. Starting from zero, he has personally Developed more than $65m+ In property since 2012 and has formal qualifications including…
- Masters in Business Administration (Finance & Marketing)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (Finance & Marketing)
- Bachelors of Business (Accounting & Marketing)
- Diploma of Finance & Mortgage Broking Management
- Certificate 4 in Finance & Mortgage Broking
- Certificate in Advanced Property Development
- Certificate in Financial Feasibility
- Certificate in Project Management
- Certificate in Risk Management
- REIV Agents Representative
How do I know I can do it?
Successful property developers come from all walks of life. Nobody is born a property developer, we all learn the skills. Remember, amber started where you are and went from $0 to $1.03 million in equity / cash in just 5 years. Property development system course is the complete system he used to achieve these results, and the same system he continues to follow as he develops property today.
I don't have any money?
Neither did Amber when he started. But money won't just fall in your lap if you sit around. Activity drives results, the way amber sees it, you have 3 options:
1) You can do nothing - and that’s fine only if you are totally satisfied with where you’re at in life. And never want more. But if, deep down, you long for a better life for you and your family – a life with more choices and freedom – you risk feeling the bitter sting of disappointment if you do nothing. And you may look back on today as another lost opportunity.
2) You can try and become a property developer on your own - the problem is, when you’re developing property, you’re playing with ‘live bullets’ (real money). And one decision can mean the difference between a 6-figure windfall and a 6-figure loss. With so much to learn, and so much at stake, learning from your own experience is just too risky and too expensive.
3) You can spend a fortune on books, courses, seminars, coaching programs and university degrees (like Amber did) - but even then, this won’t give you half of what this property development course hands you on a platter. Because all the other programs (that I know about) focus more on what you should do but don’t give you enough guidance on how to do it. Nothing gives you a complete, proven system to follow.
Why is the course priced in USD?
Property development system has now been sold in Australia, USA, UK, Fiji, UAE, New Zealand, Canada & India. The checkout service that we use only allows one common currency to be used, hence the reason to use USD as a common currency. The total amount includes GST and eligible Australian clients can still claim GST on their investment as per instructions from their accountant.
How are you different from other Property Educators?
Amber is an active developer
Unlike other so-called property experts who are one hit wonders or keep living off their past glories (PRE-GFC & PRE-APRA induced credit restrictions) or are represented by marketing firms - that call you to free pitch fests, amber is an active developer with numerous developments in motion at any given time. His first students were friends and family who saw what he was doing and asked if he could show them how they could get started in property. In the process of teaching them, he documented his system and now shares it with a small number of students he feels he can support. But primarily, he is an active property developer.
He teaches the exact “how” not just the “what”
After spending a small fortune on books, programs, seminars and even $35,000 personal mentoring, amber was disappointed with the shallow nature of the information and the help he received. While there were a lot of inspiring stories and lessons on what to do, nobody showed him exactly how to do it. And they certainly didn’t give him a system he could follow. (Have you experienced something similar?)
His property development system course gives you everything you need to replace your income and build your fortune as a property developer and entrepreneur (including how to put together no-money-down-deals). It lays out a step-by-step system (like a pilot’s checklist) and explains exactly what to do and how to do it.
Amber truly cares
Admittedly, that sounds incredibly cliché. But after being let down by so many ‘pretend’ experts (and fair share of charlatans who wouldn’t even return emails and phone calls), Amber is totally committed to giving his students everything they need to succeed in property. And because he is personally involved in developing his own properties every day, he can openly share his recent experiences (good and bad) to help you with the most relevant advice.
Amber's doesn't just teach
Amber has gone a step ahead of any other real estate development educator. After years of iterations and after spending thousands of dollars, he has developed state of the art financial feasibility applications, project budgeting applications for builders and construction contracts as well project tracking applications which he uses to offer services to other developers and builders to help track their project budgets in real time.
What if the market slows down?
As you go through this property development training, you will learn that Australia is not governed by one, single property clock. While one geographic area may be experiencing slow growth, other areas will be booming. So, there is always opportunity to make money in property.
You will also learn that, unlike traditional buy-and-hold investing, property development does not depend on organic capital growth. A developer’s margin on cost of around 10%-20% can be used as leverage for your next property whether prices go up or not. These are just 2 reasons why it doesn’t matter what the property market does. In fact, there’s often more money to be made in property development when the market is slow or declining market, because you can not only get better deals, but you can also negotiate favorable settlement terms.
Why should I learn property development?
You shouldn't if:
- You know of a better way to get double digit returns on your money.
- You’re not concerned you won’t have enough super and savings to retire the way you want to.
- You're not concerned that traditional buy-and-hold won’t get you to your financial goals fast enough.
- You would like to spend the rest of your life in a 9-5 job.
- You know another way to turbocharge your property portfolio in the shortest amount of time.
You are from Australia, but does your property development system work in
New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, South Africa & internationally?
The principles behind becoming a successful property investor or a successful property developer are exactly the same around the world, irrespective of where you are or what type of property developing (or investing) you plan to focus on. What changes from place to place are only local processes to deal with local authorities. Although the course refers to websites from Australia, development concepts are applicable anywhere in the world.
Property development system has already been sold multiple times in Canada, USA, UK, New Zealand, Fiji, UAE & India. In fact, lead developer: the real estate development feasibility suite has been designed to be used internationally with fully customisable cost heads, currency and tax rates.