Touch, Move & Inspire

The Traditional Approach To Learning
Property Development Is Broken
My name is Amber Khanna, and like many budding property developers, I had read all the books (hundreds of them), been to all the seminars, bought a wardrobe full of expensive property development courses, and even paid $35k for personal coaching.
But I felt like all this education was getting me nowhere. I’d sit in front of my computer for hours every night, haphazardly researching properties. But I still didn’t have the knowledge (or confidence) to put my first development deal together. Frankly, I felt stuck because every property course I did and every seminar I went to, only showed me WHAT TO DO, but never the exact HOW TO. If you are serious about becoming a property developer, start by reading How to become a property developer? in the articles section.
Three Reasons Most Investors Get Stuck Trying
To Get Started In Property Development
Most Seminars Are Thinly Disguised Sales Pitches With No Substance
Most property development seminars are just thinly disguised sales pitches, where they shamelessly round you up and pressure you to whip out your wallet…
Most Courses Require You To Upgrade & Pay More To Know & Learn More
Most property seminars are represented by seminar marketing companies. So you need to keep paying in order to get the complete information or tools.
Most Property Development Courses Are Not Process Driven
These courses are mere "Here's WHAT YOU NEED TO DO". They lack depth of subject and simply dump information without imparting any real skills.
My Experience Trying To Learn Property Development
Although all property development courses and seminars I learned from, were abundant in inspirational stories, they were extremely vague about how to actually make it happen. No free resources like property development eBooks or any property development blueprint and there was certainly no step-by-step system to plug into. And that was what I really needed!
I wondered if it was my fault. Was I missing something? I mean, the speakers made it look so easy, why couldn’t I figure it out? I was left feeling frustrated, deflated and demoralized. But I soon discovered, it wasn’t just me. There were lots of other people in an identical situation.
Some eventually gave up. Others speculated on risky mining town properties (which is what was in fashion at the time) that severely backfired. But most stayed stuck in the same vicious cycle – continually attending property development seminars and buying property development courses… but never able to gain any traction at all.
How I Got Unstuck And Became A Property Developer
(And How You Can Too)
I was sick of all the hype. And tired of just learning the theory of property development from books, seminars and courses. So, I committed to doing something every day to move towards getting my first project underway. I documented everything I did in a journal – the actions I took, the challenges I faced, the solutions I tried, the answers I found, and the mistakes I made.
As you can imagine, this journal soon became a pretty detailed ‘playbook’ for developing property (remember, I was qualified to be an accountant, so I’m a pretty detailed guy!). It contained all my strategies, checklists, scripts, formulas, and worksheets. And it gave me the confidence I needed to ‘pull the trigger’ on my first deal (a 9 Apartment Development in Windsor, Brisbane worth $4.4m).
I continued to refine my system as I leveraged the property development profits from this project into many more developments over the next 5 years.
A ‘No-Money-Down’ Property Development
Project That Put $273,000 In My Pocket
That’s right – in under 5 years I went from being a complete ‘newbie’ to putting together $64.9 million in property developments and earning $815,000 profit, plus assets that now generate $44,200 a year, in passive income. And I haven’t stopped since. Naturally, my friends and family were curious about what I was doing. They watched me put these deals together. And as you’d expect, they soon wanted to know how I was doing it. So, I shared my journal with them – all the mind maps, flow charts, and detailed instructions showing how I had replaced my income and grown my wealth using property. They could hardly believe it. And they asked me to teach them my system so they could make money developing property too. They became the first students of my Property Development Course.
I quickly realized that my other developer friends were eager to learn the nitty-gritty details of my development projects and the system that was working for me.
Hi, my name is Amber Khanna & I’ve been helping property investors become property developers using my a proven step by step property development system since 2012.
By profession, I am a property developer, entrepreneur & the creator of numerous real estate development feasibility, project budgeting and productivity applications for google sheets.