How To Become A Property Developer With No Money?
Get Started With My No-Money Down
Property Development Course
Look Over My Shoulder As I Show You The Little-Known Property Development "Creative Strategies" To Help You Get Started In Property Development With Little Or No Money...
These Are The Strategies I Used To Make $273,000 On A Single Development… With None Of My Own Money
My Name Is Amber Khanna and I'm a property developer
The Only Way To Learn Property Development With No Money Is to use the fool-proof Creative Property Development Strategies to find the best development sites quickly and easily and diffuse the risks by following these simple strategies… and my mind-maps to orchestrate the whole development… without using any of your own money.
Imagine signing the contract on a multi-million dollar development site acquisition that stands to make you hundreds of thousands of dollars, simply for ‘masterminding’ the whole deal… A deal where you didn’t contribute a cent of your own money.
Many property ‘gurus’ talk about ‘no-money-down deals’. And make them sound easy. But nobody shows you HOW to put one together. Until now... because I reveal everything in this short course.

How to become a property developer with no money?

Let Me Tell You How I Made $273,000
On A Single Development…
With None Of My Own Money
Here’s the story: Early in 2014 my builder told me about an acquaintance who needed money fast. (By the way, when you are looking for opportunities, you’ll be amazed how often opportunities come your way.) Anyway, although I hardly had a dollar in the bank, I agreed to meet him.
Apparently this person (let’s call him Mr A.) found himself in some financial difficulties around 3 years earlier so he sold his property to one of his clients (let’s call him Mr B.). But he structured the sale so he would have an option to buy the property back in 3 years at an agreed price.
In the meantime, property prices rose far more than the agreed price, so Mr A. was keen to buy the property back and make an instant profit. The trouble was his business had gone down and he didn’t have any money.
This didn’t worry Mr B. as he naturally wanted to keep the property or sell it to someone else for far more money.
When I met Mr A. he had 90 days to come up with the money — $1 million. He told me he had arranged a loan of $600,000 but needed another $400,000.
I made a few calls and managed to get expressions of interest totaling $300,000 (based on a Project Report I would create). So I got busy with market research, due diligence and a financial feasibility study. Then I created a Project Report – very similar to a Business Plan a bank requires when you want to borrow money… but more detailed.
I then made an appointment with my lawyer to check all the legal details and to make sure all parties were protected if something went wrong. That’s when…
I Hit The First Major Challenge
It turned out Mr A. had arranged to borrow his $600,000 from a loan shark at a very high interest rate. This meant this ‘lender’ would have the first mortgage on the property and the other investors would have no claim if something went wrong.
The risk was unacceptable so I went back to the drawing board to find another way to structure the deal. I talked with my property mentor about it and he advised me to stay away from this deal as it was too messy.
I was discouraged. But I had not given up.
That’s when I remembered something I had read: “Opportunities do not knock on your door, they stand quietly on the side waiting for you to recognize them”. With renewed enthusiasm I looked for a way to make this work. I knew I needed to find more money and more investors. And so I asked myself the question: What would I need to see in order to feel comfortable about investing in this project?
I redid the financial feasibility study based on the new numbers. I carried out even more market research and due diligence. I dug deep and uncovered all the potential ‘holes’ in this project. And found ways to plug them up.
I sought advice from town planners, spent hours developing creative designs with architects, and had critical meetings with council.
I dotted every ‘i’ and crossed every ‘t’ because I knew prospective investors would want DETAIL. That’s what I would have wanted. I collated all the information in a professionally presented folder knowing that any serious investor would take my report to their Accountant and Lawyer. It looked like a million bucks. And it worked.
After fielding a barrage of questions from potential investors and their advisors, four parties agreed to put in a total of $1 million. But then…
I Hit The Second Major Challenge
Everything worth doing seems to take way longer than you expect and suffer significant roadblocks along the way. And this project was no different.
It took 14 months to finally get council approval. This included facing 24 objections from neighbours who acted like vigilantes distributing flyers and going door-to-door trying to scare people into opposing the development.
This is where solid due diligence, research and professional advice is critical. My planning paid off and council finally approved our development of 16 apartments.
On paper, all investors had already doubled their money. The total GRV (Gross Realization Value) of this project was $12.3 million (on a bad day). And as reward for my labor, I received a 20% cut. But then…
I Hit The Third Major Challenge
One week before settlement, one of our investors pulled out. We were suddenly $25,000 short. So I had a choice. Would I dig my heels in and allow the deal to collapse because it was supposed to be a no-money-down deal? Or would I come up with the $25,000 myself in order to get it across the line?
I swallowed my pride, emptied my bank account, and injected the last portion of money giving me a 21% share in the project. Although unplanned, this gave the other investors even more confidence in the project because I now had skin in the game (an important lesson I learned that day). It took 14 months, and I had to inject $25,000 of my own money, but I was now on track to make $273,000.
How To Become A Property Developer With No Money?
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up For
No Money Down Property Development Course

The No Money Down Property Development Course is the first complete, stand-alone training program that takes you behind the curtain so you can see exactly how my $12.3 Million deal was put together. Plus it gives you the systems and templates I used to make the deal a reality.
If you want a property strategy that is faster than ‘buy and hold’ – a way to use your property knowledge to make money out of thin air and replace your income in just a few short years — you’ll get a lot of value out of this training.
But I must caution you: property development with no money is not for everyone. Some people are more comfortable with traditional buy-and-hold investing. And although I think developing is a safer strategy (because the 20% developers margin acts as a buffer against things that are out of your control), many people feel traditional investing is more in their comfort zone.
I must also remind you that my results are not typical. And I am not promising you will make anywhere near $273,000 or complete $65m worth of successful development projects as I did.
Remember, most people attend seminars for years and buy all sorts of books and educational programs, but do very little with the knowledge they gain. If you want results, you have to back yourself up and take action.
But there are ways to short-cut your learning curve. I’ve always found it better (easier, faster and cheaper) to follow in the footsteps of those who have done what I want to do. And that’s why I want to give you access to the little-known No-Money-Down Property Development Formula I use every day in my business including…
The Real Secret Behind No-Money-Deals
The reason most people can’t make no-money-down deals work is because they are trying to sell the deal when investors are more interested in the PERSON behind the deal. I reveal the exact process I used to build trust with investors and give them confidence in the project.
No-Money-Down Revenue Streams Anybody Can Create
Want to make money without heading up a project? Consider finders fees, development management fees, project management fees, success fees and sales commissions.
Exactly What To Say To Investors
Before investors give you a single dollar, they are going to have questions. And you better have good answers. But don’t worry – I’ll tell you every question I’ve been asked by investors and how I answered them including...
How To Make Money With No-Money-Down Projects
Need a short term injection of cash? There is a perfect strategy to bring in the cash quickly. Prepared to do more work for a bigger payback? There is a different strategy for this. I’ll give you a detailed rundown of all the ways to make money from no-money-down deals.
How To Get Investors To Give You Money
Choosing the wrong financial structure can kill a deal before it gets off the ground. Or it can suck valuable profits from the project making the whole exercise a waste of time. There are many approaches to structuring a deal. I guide you step-by-step through the structure I chose for my $12.3M project and why.
Create Sweat Equity, Do Joint Ventures & Raise Capital
From creating Sweat Equity, doing joint ventures and raising capital, this property development course is complete in itself.
The No-Money-Down Property Development Course literally gives you behind-the-scenes access to everything I did to pull off this $12.3 million deal and make $273,000 for myself and my a 73% return on equity for my investors. Every conversation. Every nugget of research. And even my inner thoughts as I pieced this deal together. This course has everything you need to become a real estate developer with no money.
But that’s not all. I don’t want to merely show you WHAT to do. I want to give you the critical HOW TO information that was lacking from all the property education products I bought. I want to give you the tools and templates so you don’t have to create anything from scratch. You can simply follow the steps and literally copy what I did. And that’s why I’d like to give you this…
Bonus: My Complete Project Report Template

And to make sure you know exactly how to become a property developer with no money, I go a step further and show you how to use the templates and I give you my…
“Look Over My Shoulder” Videos That Unpack Each Document And Show You How To Apply Them To Your Situation
Simply follow along as I walk you through each template and show you how they fit into the process as a whole. You’ll be up to speed in no time – using these tools like a pro. Saving you years of expensive trial and error.
So, How Much Is The No Money Down
Property Development Course?

Many people pay thousands of dollars for expensive seminars to learn how to become better investors & do property development with no money. But they never actually come away with tangible systems and templates they can use and apply in the real world. I know this first hand. Remember, I attended all the seminars, bought many of the products, and even paid top dollar for private coaching.
The No-Money-Down Property Development Course is different. I’m not just giving you the WHAT to do, I’ll explain exactly HOW to do it. And in this one-of-a-kind program, I’m even giving you ‘behind the scenes’ access so you can see exactly how a multi-million dollar deal is put together in the real world.
Plus, I’m giving you the tools and templates so you don’t have to waste months creating your own… or pay thousands to professional advisors who may not have specific experience in the real world or property development anyway.
Short of investing $30,000 to become a personal mentee, there’s no other way you can get exposure to this level of ‘behind the scenes’ information.
Of course you could try to learn all this stuff on your own. You could spend day and night developing your own systems and templates. That’s what I did. And I can tell you, it’s a tough and expensive road to travel.
I can’t tell you how many sleepless nights I’ve spent pacing the floor looking for answers to challenges. Or how many times I’ve lost thousands through silly mistakes. But that’s nothing compared to the deals I’ve missed out on – the opportunity cost – because I didn’t have the information I’m giving you in this program.
But, I also appreciate you may not know me yet. So I don’t want money to prevent you from investing in this program and beginning a lasting association with me and my company.
So here’s the deal: I’ll let you have the entire No Money Down Property Development Course for just one payment of (Was $1097) $497
That’s just less than 3% of the fees you might earn on even the simplest No-Money-Down Deal
Why So Cheap When I Could Easily Package Up This Training Into A Multi-Thousand Dollar Seminar?
Two reasons…
- Firstly, I’m not a ‘big name’ guru. I’m a property developer like you. That means nobody really knows me. So I have intentionally put a very low price on this program so, as soon as you get it, you will be astonished at the value you receive. And as you apply the systems and get profitable results, you’ll become a raving fan and tell others about me and Property Development System.
- Secondly, because I’m a developer and not a ‘guru’, I don’t have the same polished presentation other property teachers have. Remember, just a few years ago I sat exactly where you are right now. The only difference is I have worked 60, 70, 100 hour weeks learning and applying this knowledge. I’ve made expensive mistakes. But I’ve picked myself up and dusted myself off again and again. And each time I’ve developed systems so I could do things better next time. These are the exact systems I am giving you now.
So if you’d like a faster strategy than traditional ‘buy-and-hold’ investing… and you’d like to make some serious money and replace your income… I invite you to get your copy of the No Money Down Property Development Formula including the video training and downloadable templates to catapult into your 1st property development with no money.
Here's My Promise To You...
How To Become A Property Developer With No Money?
Property Development With No Money Course has more valuable strategies than what you will find a three-day seminar.
It’s built and taught by a real developer who started out from zero with no prior knowledge of property development and went on to complete more than $65 million in successful projects and has numerous projects on the go right now.
In other words, Amber is not merely an academic, author and property coach, he is an in-the-trench doer who believes the best way to learn something is to roll up your sleeves and get your hands a little dirty. If that sounds appealing, and you’d like some help to get started, then welcome – you’re in the right place! Checkout a list of all his property development courses on how to become a property developer with no money.