Free "Quick-Start" property development course online
Getting Started In Property Development Just Got Way Easier
(at least according to the 4318+ aspiring developers I've helped
so far...)
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Free Property Development Short Course
Complete Overview Of Property Development Process, Insider Secrets & What It Takes To Become A Property Developer...
Without Risking Anything
This free online Property Development Course is designed for Property Investors and anyone who would like to learn How to become a property developer.
It includes the details and figures from all my developments. So, you can see exactly how i did my projects and what did the projects made in terms of profit.
It outlines my exact journey through all my developments up until 2017 showing how I made the equity and then re-invested in my first 5 years without having any experience in real estate development or investment. In addition, it includes training videos on due diligence, feasibility and property development process.

Here's My Promise To You
Hi, My Name Is Amber Khanna And I'm A Property Developer
This FREE Property Development Short Course Has More Educational Content Than What You Will Find In Many Three Day Property Seminars.
The QUICK START Property Development Course Is Unique Because Apart From Dedicating Almost A Decade Learning Everything About Property Investment And Development, I Have Been In The Trenches With My Sleeves Rolled Up And Have Successfully Completed Numerous Developments.
If That Sounds Appealing, And You’d Like Some Help To Get Started, Then Welcome – You’re In The Right Place!

How To Become A Real Estate Developer
Safely & Quickly
See the 3 things I did that got me on the road to becoming a successful developer (note: this changed everything for me – I’ll tell you exactly what I learned.)
How To Find Your First Development Project?
Learn where to look, what to look for, and how to carry out due diligence before you sign anything. You’ll be able to ‘sniff out’ the best sites without wasting hours searching online or inspecting houses on weekends.
Understanding Numbers To Conduct A Thorough Feasibility Assessment
Stop wasting time on properties with no potential. Make sure that you understand the most important principle when conducting financial feasibility. If the preliminary numbers stack up, simply keep working through my ‘Feaso’ process to ensure all lights are ‘green’.
The Exact Property Development System I Follow
My complete step-by-step system including the 6 pillars that provide certainty, scalability and financial freedom. And yes, this is a detailed preview of my property development course.
The Difference Between Good & Great Property Developers
This is series of four videos where I discuss the main difference between good vs great property developers. Human beings have an inherent flaw, we think that we know everything. Sadly, that's the time when we stop learning & growing. We all know what happens to a tree that stops growing, because the only time a tree stops growing is when it's dying. I have seen a lot of novice property developers fly by the seat of their pants & end up in hot waters. In this series, I discuss the main differences that you need to understand between good vs great property developers.
Seven Avoidable Surprises That Can Trip-Up Even Professional Developers
Knowing where the bumps in the road are helps you navigate around them with ease. I’ll show you the most common pitfalls that tangle new and seasoned developers.
Skills, Confidence And Support To Succeed
And I'll show you how to continue your education and get the support you need to grow your property portfolio, so you can retire sooner and financially free, without sacrificing your current lifestyle.
How To Build A Profitable Portfolio - Fast
While traditional buy-and-hold investors get stuck in the mud of plateauing prices, I’ll show you how to ‘manufacture’ equity, so you can move from your first property to your 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th properties straight away. And to demonstrate, I’ll show you exactly how I did it (including the street address of all my developments so you can look them up online yourself).
A Treasure Chest Of Tips And Tricks
You’ll learn all the most closely guarded secrets used by the world’s top developers – the very best tips and tactics I learned from investing more than the $110,000 in books, courses, coaching and mentoring programs. And more importantly, the ‘expensive’ lessons I learned actually doing developments.
Bonuses & Property Development Case Studies
In this section, I keep adding new videos & content every now and then about the challenges I face, how I overcome them, property development case studies and property development challenges that I feel you must be aware of. I cannot tell you what you will find in this section, but what I can tell is that you will love the bonus section of this property development short course.
Property Development Course Online
Master the fundamentals of profitable property development
Module 1: Property Development Course - Overview
Module 2: Property development due diligence
Module 3: Property Development Feasibility - Part 1
Module 3: Property Development Feasibility - Part 2
Module 4: Three Ingredients of a No Money Down Deal
Module 5: No 1 Skill Required to Become a Property Developer
Module 6: Here’s How the Developers Do It, Using the Least of Their Own Money
Module 7: Two Things that will make you money in property development
Module 8: Excuses I used to make before I become a property developer
Module 9: Three Ways To Source Off Market Sites
Module 10: Foundations of Property Development
Bonus 1: Three Secrets of Property Development
Bonus 2: Six Property Development Strategies That Rule All Strategies
Bonus 3: How to grow your property portfolio in today’s market?
Here's What People Are Saying
About The Free Stuff I give Away

All the seminars, books I have been reading to become a developer fade in comparison.
Veej K

I found it so understanding and so much more than I could have imagined. It has given me a whole new outlook when looking for property. How to? Why? and in What order?
Ann Eames

I have to say I am impressed with everything you have presented so far. I love your honesty and the depth of knowledge you have shown. I look forward to your guidance and experience as we move into a totally new business for us.
Bridget carroll
How will this course help me?
If you’re an investor, this course will show you a way to move beyond traditional buy-and-hold investing that many find too slow. It will show you how to ‘manufacture’ equity, so you can own more properties (without being out-of-pocket each month) even when the market is flat. And it will show you a faster, safer way to grow your property portfolio, so you can boost your savings and retire sooner and richer?
If you’re a renovator, this course will show you how to make more money per project, with less (or no) time on the tools. It will show you how to find and execute projects that don’t suffer the uncertainty and cost blow-outs of renovating. And it will give you a step-by-step system to help you make money from developing so you can build a property portfolio and replace your income.
If you’re a developer, this course will give you a quick, reliable way to find and ‘vet’ potential development sites. It will give you a pathway to replace your income (in just 3 years) developing property. And it will give you a proven, A-Z system to source, develop and profit from property, so you can boost your savings and retire sooner and richer.
How long will it take me to complete the course?
This is a highly practical course designed for people wanting to get a ‘quick start’ in property developing. It’s delivered in bite-sized lessons over 10 days to ensure maximum learning opportunity. That means, in less than 2 weeks, you’ll have the knowledge you need to research, and potentially find and begin your first development.
How much can I make (realistically) developing property?
More people get rich through property than any other money-making means. In fact, more than 25% of the richest people make their money in property. I have personally gone from $0 to $1.03 million in equity / cash in just 5 years. And some of my students have made as much as $2.2 million in less than 11 months.
Yet, property is NOT a get rich quick scheme. If you do nothing you will make nothing. Sadly, most people who buy a book or course, won’t even finish it. So, the truth is, the amount of money you make developing property is up to you.