Real Estate Mentoring Program For Property Developers
Personalised Mentoring Program For Real Estate Development
Have A property development mentor look over
your shoulder for your 1st or next development
My Name Is Amber Khanna And I'm A Property Developer
I’m Looking For A Select Few Aspiring Developers – Who Want My Personal Step-By-Step Guidance To Successfully Transition Into Becoming A Full-Time Real Estate Developer And Put Together Their First, Second Or Third Property Development Project.

You might be wondering if I’m available to personally help you execute your first development project.
If you’re genuinely in a position to start developing… And you have the time, capacity and the WILL to do so … then yes, all things are possible.
Please appreciate though, I only have the capacity and ‘mental bandwidth’ to work directly with a tiny handful of mentees, and it only makes sense to do so if the fit is just right.
(NOTE: I am 100% devoted to your success as a budding developer. And if I don’t think this program is going to help you on your path to development success – please take no offence – I will NOT accept your application.)
…So while I must meet your stringent qualifications, you must also meet mine. Read on to find out more.
About Property Development Mentoring Program
Plenty of people call themselves ‘property developers’ – but few people actually have what it takes to make a living from it.
My mentoring program includes everything that you need to become a full-time developer – with in-depth one-on-one coaching from someone who has personally put together many projects worth a combined $65 million till date.
This 360-degree program helps you systematically put together your first deal and execute a successful development in a profitable and replicable way.
Over the course of 12-months, I’ll not only ‘hold your hand’ through your first project, I’ll also teach you how to implement the system and have the processes in place so you can start making property development your primary source of income.
The 12-Month Mentoring Program Includes The Following:
Personal, One-On-One Phone Consultation And Support
If you are experiencing some issues or need help structuring a deal, I am available by Phone, Email, Face-Time, Skype and Text to help you through out your journey.
I will review your projects over your shoulder, with you but I will NOT do the work for you.
If you would like me to do the work for you, you can hire me as your development manager and I will deliver your development on time for an extra fee.
The main idea of the mentoring program is that you become capable of handling everything on your own.
A Proactive Accountability Partner With An Interest In Your Success
Other mentoring programs put the onus of proactivity on you. If you don’t call your mentor, they will never call you.
My program is different. I know exactly how it feels when you are starting out.
In my mentoring program, I take the responsibility of getting in touch with you on a regular basis – not only to check-in with you – but also to push you to take action and achieve breakthroughs in property development.
A Step-By-Step Development Execution Game Plan
I’ll work with you to clarify and plan your goals. And then we’ll break down the steps required to achieve them. You then must take the required ACTION to consistently keep tracking forward.
If you are not tracking well, you will get a call from me. In other words, I take a lot of responsibility to make sure you’re moving forward.
Some of my mentees take it slow and others want to conquer the world overnight.
I’ll work with you to maintain your desired pace. That said, I will help push you beyond what you thought was previously achievable.
NOTE: You should hire me as your mentor, only if you are serious about achieving success.
My Personal Vault Of Development Learning Resources
I’ll share all my resources with you, whether they are contacts, consultants or you need some data for due diligence. If I have access to it, I’ll share it with you. I like to help my students save on costs.
A Collection Of Productivity, Project Management Tools And Access To Lead Developer Feasibility Suite
I’ll also share my online project management system with you. This will let you clearly track a project from start to finish.
I use an online resource for project managing my developments, which costs me extra, however, I give FREE access to my students to this valuable resource for the duration of their project. With my project management template – you will be able to track your project better than anyone else I know out there.
This is a secret sauce I have personally developed and I work with it everyday of the week.
I will train you on how to use it and become a master at it.
When you are in a project and a considerable amount of money is at stake, you must make sure that you are tracking it correctly.
This project tracking system is not included in the Property Development System course and is exclusive for my mentoring students.
Extensive Coaching Through Any Situation
Needless to say, I guide you through everything, from JV agreements to no-money-down deals.
What Happens When You Get Started With the mentoring program?
Once you sign up for the mentoring program, you enter Phase 1 of your journey.
Phase 1 is all about before you find a deal. Phase 2 is the execution after you have found a deal.
The whole dynamic will change once you have found a deal and you are going ahead with it. A lot of jitters and anxiety kicks in and that’s when you will need a mentor the most.
Step 1
I get to know you better and we set your goals – all done via Skype.
Step 2
You bring your goals online and we start tracking the steps you need to take towards them.
Step 3
Your Customized One-On-One Strategy Session:
- We determine your borrowing capacity and the kind of deals you should pursue.
- We chart a map of what you need to do and what you need to learn in order to bag such deals.
Your progress is reviewed every week and your goals are tracked.
If your strategy needs tweaking, we tweak it, if it needs changing we change it. We continue to correct course till you reach your goals.
The goal of the first couple of months is to get you to a level where you can look at a deal, run numbers on it and be confident about the front end of a development deal.
This process continues until you find a deal.
You also get an opportunity to connect with my other students. Whether or not you guys would like to do a deal together is up to you (but I facilitate networking between my mentoring students).
In Phase 2 – it’s about the deal and making sure that you track well from the onset.
Don’t worry if you find a deal that goes on for more than 12 months – It is in my best interest to see my students succeed and I don’t leave my students hanging just because their time is up.
Getting Started With Mentoring
The quickest and easiest way to get started is to find out more is to request a no-obligation chat:
When you do so, you will be asked to submit a $100 deposit in order to schedule our one-on-one chat.
Note: I have no interested in keeping your deposit, and I will immediately returned it once I hang up the phone. It’s just a way for me to keep the time-vampires away and filter out the “real” people from the wannabes.
I can’t promise this is right for you. And I don’t even know if you’ll qualify. However, I am looking forward to our chat so I can hear about your goals and tell you a little more about this unique mentoring.
After we talk, I promise to give you my straight opinion on whether I think this is right for you. And if it’s not, I’ll gladly give you some tips and point you in the right direction.
In either case, I’ll refund your deposit immediately after we speak. I look forward to our chat.